how to improve your academic performance

Are you worried about your academic performance because you are not satisfied with it? You are thinking of ways to elevate your grades? Then you are on the right track. If you are looking forward to getting better grades, no need to hire a professional consultant to guide you. And no need to look for a motivational speaker to work on yourself. Only by incorporating a few tips...

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Words to Use in an Essay

Facing a creative block is something experienced by students frequently while handling a writing task. Even if you do have some incredible ideas in mind, it is difficult to find the words for expressing them. It is important to maintain a formal tone in academic assignments therefore particular terms and phrases are required. Knowing exactly what sort of diction would be suitable for essays is an...

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How to Write a Scholarship Essay

2021 has brought with itself a reawakening of the pre-Coivd19 world. Life is regaining its natural pace and academics and professional routine is catching up. For those who are looking to win a college scholarship, now is the time to think seriously about it. Most scholarship requirements consist of writing an essay for the application process. But that essay should be impressive enough to persuade the...

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Proven Steps to Write a Business and Technical Report Professionally

Writing any document can become overwhelming and irritating sometimes! When we talk about analytical or technical writing, it is way too stressful and complicated, I strongly agree! The main reason for creating a fundamental and technical report is to communicate and transfer the knowledge that is gathered with the help of multiple processes of technical and experimental work. Mostly the technical reports and business analysis comprise facts,...

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University Assignment

Students often tend to make the mistake of focusing extensively on the main body of a university assignment. While the part they should be giving more thought to is the structuring of the entire assignment. This results in essays and papers which are richly detailed yet lacking in coherence and organized ideas. However, with the right guidance, it is not difficult to master this skill....

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Expository Essay

Among the various types of essays that exist in the academic world, an expository essay is the most systematic. Writing an expository essay requires going through a complete process. You must explore the idea involved and then evaluate the gathered evidence. Elaborate on the central concept and proceed to state your argument coherently. To summarize the prime focus of this essay is upon explaining the...

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Case study assignment

A case study is set in a certain professional context in which students are required to respond by analyzing it. Their responses are also guided by questions posed according to the given situation. In most cases, there are problems or issues involved that can occur within a work environment. The main objective of case study assignments is to identify the issues and provide ways to solve...

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autobiography writing

To better understand an autobiography, we should first know what it is. It is the story of a person’s life, written by themselves, showing their perspective. An autobiography is a subgenre that falls under the category of biography. However, a biography is written by another person about the subject, most often a historian. Autobiographies are quite a popular genre among the public. They can easily...

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Teachers Demands in Assignment

The foremost principle of effective communication is knowing your readers. This point might become very confusing for students while writing papers. When you write a paper for your teacher it goes against the grain of natural communication. In a natural flow of communication, you explain a topic to someone who has no knowledge about it. In contrast, essay writing needs you to explain your topic...

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Argumentative Essay

The basic purpose of writing an argumentative essay is to convince your readers about a particular point. As the name suggests, you require relevant arguments to support your position. However, what is the method of writing an argumentative? How can you persuade the reader to agree with the position you have taken? What is the secret behind winning over even the audience who is opposed...

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